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Training Accreditation
- ANAP works with organizations to formally accredit their training programmers.
Accredited courses can be public courses or in-house, of any form or length and delivered anywhere in the world.
The criteria for the accreditation of training courses define a number of requirements that include
Course content
Course duration
Learning Objectives
Delegate training materials
Training methods
Course Location, language and facilities
Course publicity and Advertising
The training provider will gain the following benefits
the training can be described as ‘accredited by the ANAP, giving the course more authority and distinction. Prospective delegates and their employers will know that the course, its learning objectives and content have been reviewed and approved by a respected professional body
promotional and training material, and also certificates of attendance for delegates, can include the ANAP logo and suitable wording relating to the accreditation (conditions and wording as agreed with ANAP )
Accredited courses will be advertised free of charge on the ANAP website and within its training catalogue.
Accredited courses available for public bookings will be promoted directly to ANAP members.
In return for these benefits the training provider will pay fees to ANAP as follows
A Non-refundable fee for the initial proposal process
An accreditation fee, based on the amount and nature of material to be reviewed
An annual renewal fee